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  Country:  England        Area/City/Town:  London NW10        Location:  Willesden

Saturdays   2:15 pm - 4:15 pm

The Matted Room
1st Floor
Willesden Sports Centre
Donnington Road
London NW10 3QX

Nearest Underground:
     Willesden Junction (Bakerloo line)
     (10 mins' walk)
     or Willesden Green (Jubilee line)
     (10 mins' walk)

Car Parking:
     Free & convenient car parking in Sports Centre
     Maximum stay 4 hours

     Grand Master
     C. K. Chang
     8th Degree Black Belt


Awarded Black Belt:



     07835 244398 (mobile)

     * No photography or videoing allowed
     * Please use your mobile phone outside



  Founder of Wu Shu Kwan. His techniques and knowledge are legendary, and his name synonymous with the foremost and highest authority on Chinese kickboxing with students all over the world.

Instructor (Deputy):
     Senior Master Instructress
     Trish Chang
     7th Degree Black Belt, BA (Hons)
     Guinness World Record Holder


Awarded Black Belt:
     The youngest ever to achieve Wu Shu Kwan
Black Belt at the age of 15 years 6 months.



     07835 244398 (mobile)


Extra Information:
Trish is one of the highest ranked martial artists in the world. She has taught and conducted gradings regularly in many countries, including UK, USA, Australia, Canada, Barbados, Trinidad, Switzerland and Germany.


Instructor (Assistant):
     Senior Master Instructress
     Andrea Farmer
     5th Degree Black Belt


Awarded Black Belt:



     07983 555519 (mobile)

Extra Information:
Andrea is a very popular international instrucor. She also holds classes and conducts grading in Trinidad and Switzerland.


Instructor (Assistant):
     Senior Master
     Gary Barham
     5th Degree Black Belt


Awarded Black Belt:



     07764 368722 (mobile)


Extra Information:
also teaches his own class in Isleworth,


Instructor (Assistant):
     Senior Master
     Henrick Smith
     3rd Degree Black Belt


Awarded Black Belt:



     07715 213744 (mobile)


Class Training Organiser:
     Master Instructress
     Houria Ramdane-Pacha
     1st Degree Black Belt


Awarded Black Belt:



     At this class



From Germany with Love (of Wu Shu Kwan):
Erika and Stephane from Germany WSK (kneeling from left, 4th & 5th respctively) trained with Grand Master on 17th August 2024.

Wu Shu Kwan visiting members far and wide: they are from Norway, Liverpool and North Wales getting together for a photo after training with Grand Master at his Willesden class, London on 5th November 2022.
There are one obstetrician and two police officers amongst them.

Group photo taken on 25th May 2019 with members from CERN (Switzerland) & Germany.
Group photo taken on 24th December 2018 with members from CERN (Switzerland), Liverpool and North Wales.
Bernard Quesnel (5th Degree Black Belt) (back row standing 4th from right), a senior instructor from Trinidad,
trained with Grand Master on 30th September 2017.
Group photo taken on 1st October 2016.
Group photo taken on 15th May 2016.
Group photo taken on 21st November 2015.

A very old group photograph showing Grand Master C. K. Chang (standing left) and Senior Master Eddie Cheah (squatting right); they have been good friends since childhood.
   The picture was taken when they were 16 years old at the Grand Master's house before their daily training. The sparring gloves in the foreground were stuffed with horsehair rather than the present-day flock or foam.

Group photograph taken on 22nd November 2014.
Group photograph taken on 18th January 2014.
Class training on 18th January 2014.
Class training on 11th January 2014.
    To a world-famous artist, the extreme power and absolute elegance of Grand Master C. K. Chang's movements are outside the gamut of his artistic strokes. So he has to resort to using a series of special symbols to paint these movements. His works were exhibited in London's Institute of Contemporary Art in the Mall, and given a full-page report in the Sunday Times (left).
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